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Who We Are

Who We Are

The State Department for Shipping and Maritime is mandated to promote the maritime and shipping industry in Kenya. In order to continuously focus in its defined areas of operations, the State Department works within the government operational frameworks while at the same time interfacing with the numerous key role-players that are responsible for different aspects of operations, management, and policy formulation.

This strategic plan for the Department focuses on providing a roadmap towards the delivery of quality services to stakeholders. It covers the period 2017/18 – 2021/22 and was prepared through a participatory approach that ensured consultations and involvement of both internal and external stakeholders at all stages. It has set out its vision or preferred future, mission, core values, goals and strategic objectives as well as strategies and targets.

The plan has five chapters that include an Introduction; Situational Analysis, the Strategic Model, Plan Implementation Framework and a final chapter on Monitoring and Evaluation. It also contains the strategic implementation matrix, attached as an annex.

In this Strategic Plan, there are five (5) focus areas namely: Maritime Commercial Services whose objectives are to increase job opportunities for Kenyan youth, to improve operational efficiency, to reduce cost of doing business with Kenya, and to increase youth and women participation in maritime affairs through cluster enterprises development.

Maritime Administration meant to develop a central data management and information system for the industry, to increase the human resource capacity in the sector, to create an enabling environment for development of the blue economy, projects and activities and to comply with Kenya’s international obligations and commitment touching the sector.

Inland Waters Development whose objective is to create efficiency of inland water transport; Marine Casualty Investigations meant to mitigate marine pollution and marine disasters and demonstrate preparedness and Institutional Strengthening whose key objectives are to promote visibility of the Department, to provide working environment, to entrench performance management, to link policy, planning and budgeting and to promote staff development.